Is it your first time trying acupuncture? Here is a short list of what you can expect during your visit:
The flow of most visits to your acupuncturist will follow the same general outline.
After check-in, the first step is the Intake where we discuss your complaint and symptoms. This is just like it is at your regular doctor’s office. Part of the intake which may be unfamiliar are what may be called “the 10 questions.” There could be more or less than 10 - the number is not important - but it helps us figure out how your system is doing in relation to your current environment and complaint. We will also check your tongue and pulse in the traditional Chinese method.
As a note, try not to brush your tongue the morning before you see your acupuncturist. Brushing or scraping your tongue can be helpful to reduce “bad breath,” but we actually use it to see what is going on in your digestion and metabolism - if it’s thick and greasy, that’s OK!
The main part of your visit is the Treatment itself. There are many modalities or treatment approaches and techniques we might use in the course of your treatment; you could benefit from one or more of these. Commonly seen are acupuncture needles, moxa, cupping and gua sha (this is a scraping technique). No matter who you see, your acupuncturist will be trained in these and more ways to benefit your condition. If you have questions, just ask - we want to help you, and we want you to be active in your own healthcare.
The last part of your treatment is simple: discussing herbal or dietary options and establishing a Plan of Care. This part of the visit can vary from practitioner to practitioner, and from patient to patient. Contrary to popular belief, acupuncture is not a magic-bullet, even though it can be much cheaper in the long run. For many complaints, regular acupuncture treatments can effectively reduce symptoms and strengthen the body for the future. Because every situation is different, you should talk with your acupuncturist and discuss your options.